Monday, December 24, 2007

merry fucking xmas

from our friends at the drunkcyclist

Stumbled upon a good, if infuriating read in the online Vanity Fair about Bush’s economic legacy.

The administration crows that the economy grew—by some 16 percent—during its first six years, but the growth helped mainly people who had no need of any help, and failed to help those who need plenty. A rising tide lifted all yachts. Inequality is now widening in America, and at a rate not seen in three-quarters of a century. A young male in his 30s today has an income, adjusted for inflation, that is 12 percent less than what his father was making 30 years ago. Some 5.3 million more Americans are living in poverty now than were living in poverty when Bush became president. America’s class structure may not have arrived there yet, but it’s heading in the direction of Brazil’s and Mexico’s.

Yeah, you read that right. Mexico and Brazil. Read the whole article, it’s worth it. Some finer points are the author points out that Clinton didn’t do everything he could have due to being fixated on eliminating the national debt and how Bush was in the position to reenforce out infratstructure to help prevent the recession we are heading invariably towards. (New Orleans levees anyone? Bridges that need repair or replacement? Anyone???)

Yup. Worth a coffee-break to read it.



Anonymous said...

Do you reckon that mass influx of uneducated immigrants in the last 7 years might maybe have effected stats any? let's face it, quality of life is up. isn't that a your cellphone I hear ringing?

Bello Velo said...

most immigrants can speak multiple languages. most americans can not. as far as educated americans well you are about 29th or 30th in the world and alabama is 45th in the US. I am sure your quality of life is up because you drank the kool aid. so enjoy it life is good. my quality of life has not gone up because I still have to hear people like you, so I would say it has gone down. I don't have a cell either.

face it the country was built with free labor and now it is growing because of cheap labor. It would be nice to see the immigrants go home and you can now pay full price for every thing.

read the article too then talk shit.

conservative = cheap

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?