Monday, August 10, 2009

It is great to be back in Talabama


Unknown said...

very nice where did you find the comic it's great

Bello Velo said...

Daily Kos there are many more. It's easy considering the idiotic material they have to work with.

Anonymous said...

This is so in par with my thinking as of now. After returning from Chicago..where people are just as cordial..if not more, most of all perhaps southerners can learn some driving, social and environmental skills from the yanks.(not all southerners, but you have to understand, the progressives in this lower part of the nation are faced with a lot more opposition, therefore progress is slower because they have to spend most of their time speaking v e r y s l o w l y to underedjimicated yokels in politics)

I noticed Kentucky was not on there..this is good.

jim spag

Bello Velo said...

This is the Republicans last stand. Their party is already a regional party mostly the south and if they lose healthcare there is nothing left for the party to stand for.

clintpatty said...

They had a lot of different stuff to stand for with Ron Paul and rejected him. So now they have the same stuff to talk about and keep doing almost nothing that benefits the regular people. So yeah looking at a dead party.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm sure that nobody from any state North of Tennessee feels the same way at all. Wait, yes, every town meeting on the boob tube I've seen is from a Northern state and not the South. Please don't get me wrong, I understand that there are quite a few matters in the Southern states that quintessentially stereotypical Southern issues but most of you live here and are from here and should have some respect for the part of the country you live in. To generalize this part of the country as being ignorant and backwards is just that, ignorant. And if anyone out there like any genre of rock, you have the South to thank not the rest of the US. The South is were the blues started which gave way to rock therefore giving you your "Rebel" attitude and "alternative" thought process. I hope that I don't offend too many of you with my selfish Southern pride but I just wanted to share it.

Bello Velo said...

It's the same thing that happened in the past with the Dixie Crats which were southern democrats who went to the republican party because of desegregation. It seems that "these republicans" are having their last gasp at disrupting healthcare. The uninsured are the new "black".

I wouldn't say that Fox, CNN or any of our corporately owned media are reliable sources for facts and it is ridiculous to think they are boob tube or not.