Friday, September 18, 2009

Bike Racks at AAMU


We tentatively decided that we will install two to three bike racks; due to the other projects that have been in the pipeline already, the bike racks have not yet been ordered/purchased. I am hoping that by mid November the bike racks would have been installed.

Marshall Peter Chimwedzi


Anonymous said...

Is bike riding /commuting big at AAMU? I noticed they do not have a cycling team though UAH does. Does Oakwood have a cycling team? bike racks? That campus seems ideal for bikes. Calhoun?

Bello Velo said...

Dear Lance,

I know more people who commute to AAMU, I know personally one that commutes to UAH. He is on their bike team and was almost hit last week.I certainly see more cars with those UAH stickers on them driving though considering how many almost hit me from time to time. Sorry UA Huntsville now:

Oakwood has Bike Lane and if you are not a regular reader we have already talked about cycling teams.

Here you go.

No they do not yet. I wouldn't get too excited about UAH. Cycling teams do little for commuting bike racks do. I think one person on that team even rides his bike to school and that is Davis. I am sure he will correct me if I am mistaken.

Football teams don't make us all play football so don't think a cycling team will make any difference.

Riding your bike solves it though.

Lancealot said...

Contrary to YO football games do promote people trying to play themselves tho sometimes just street games. Football is more a spectator sport tho. During the Olympics people go out and try to play the sports they've seen on tv. Possible that team cycling would increase interests and awareness as in a multi-prong apporach often it's whats needed. IMO increasing bicycling visibility is good regardless of style and particular locale. It's all good. Many riders end up riding different kinds.

Bello Velo said...


While you do make a good point about football, we are really trying to concentrate on commuting which has a very small entry fee and makes a huge difference when it comes to infrastructure changes in cities around the globe.

If you feel that strongly about it get on it. Please let us know how you make out.