Friday, November 9, 2007

from Jamie

Missed the ALDOT Public Comment meeting Nov 8?

Don’t worry. You didn’t miss much.

They purposely hold these meetings on the QT, with an itty bitty ad in the public notices section of the paper. Who ever looks at that?

They haven’t written the updated plan yet. They may take our input if enough people provide feedback.

PLEASE don’t give up now.

That’s what they’re counting on.

What we need is a few folks to go to the website and send comments into Mr. Doolin.
Copy your state representatives, mayor, the local paper, county commissioner, and planners.

Look through the 2000 plan and suggest policy about non-motorized transportation to encourage, enable and make safer biking and walking as transportation.

Tell how much the following would help!

Big Bike Routes Signs, shoulders, sidewalks, better signals to cross roads, wider lanes, NO rumble strips.

Better Driver’s Ed that discusses sharing the road with bikes.

(There are more talking points below.)

I’m sure YOU have a few opinions on this!