Wednesday, December 12, 2007

SAN FRANCISCO - Bicyclists to protest delay for bike plan

Seems like the people over at SCCCCCCCCC could learn a bit from this. If Nolen were allowed to speak:) Go get em Nolen!

Bike activists plan to rally on the steps of City Hall at 1 p.m. today to protest what they view as official foot-dragging in completing a court-ordered environmental review of the city's bicycle plan.

Until the review is done, the city cannot enact the plan. That means, for the time being, there will be no new bike lanes or new bike racks on public property. The long-planned pilot project to allow two-wheelers on the Muni streetcars also is on hold.

The projects were frozen in 2006, when a Superior Court judge, responding to a citizen's lawsuit, granted an injunction against implementation of the San Francisco Bicycle Plan until the effects of the proposed projects are more thoroughly scrutinized.

The study originally was anticipated to have been wrapped up next year, but now may not be done until 2009.

"The delay in action on the bicycle plan is unacceptable for a city that calls itself a green leader. ... We urge the mayor and city leaders to commit every available resource toward getting this bike plan on track," said Leah Shahum, executive director of the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition, who also serves as an appointee of Mayor Gavin Newsom on the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Board of Directors.

A spokesman for Newsom said the administration also is eager to see the environmental review wrapped up, but noted that the court-stipulated analysis takes time.


Anonymous said...

Aren't those local club cyclists allowed opinions? I think not. To opine, one must think. Thinking is disallowed, as one might have an opinion. Having an opinion or thinking might cause a change. All changes are bad. BAD BAD BAD BAD. No changes never. If we made any changes in anything ever, then something would be different. NO SOUP FOR YOU!

Anonymous said...

Your wrong, it will never work. Plans never work, nothing will ever get done, they will never ever listen to the cyclists, the city has no money to spend. Please stop trying to make our lives better and safer, we would rather just stick to those open roads in the boonies and trade stories on where stray pubic hairs have grown. So miss commiclub so and so, your going to get the world destroyed and summon up a black hole if you keep on pestering those city officials, its not like they work for us you know. So I'm going to get back on my trainer and watch reruns of Lance obey traffic laws and treat other cyclists with respect.


Mary A. Flatulence