To the douche bag tearing down the posters at Star Market we know who you are. Try playing with yourself instead of tearing down peoples work. You amoeba!
Posted by
Bello Velo
8:23 PM
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LOL-do they frequent this blog?
If you know them, why not talk to them directly and change their minds?? Why are they tearing them down?
What's wrong with douche bags? and ameobi, BTW?
What are you from the UN, Fuck all that hippy shit.
They are tearing them down because CM gives cycling a bad name.
Considering that so many of their pro cyclists heros are dopers anyways I don't see how it could get any worse.
Well this kid in the picture is telling whoever it is to go "Fuck Off".
If you didn't know your a mindless, parasitic, slap-happy puke pile of shit before; having a toddler flick you the bird should cement it firmly in your mind.
I understand though and we should all feel bad for the person. Paper fliers are not only the most threatening mode of communication, they're also ugly. And we all know how you know who feels about ugly things.
So, Mr. or MS. Asshole, whoever you are, always remember this: God loves you, but I want you to go kill yourself.
ahhh, anonymous, resident grammar queen and champion of anyone being spat upon...
i think YOU should go tell the SCCC fuktards to shove those fliers up their arses after they've yanked them down...they'll listen to you, right?
I ain't know member of no SC3, no mo. They can fuktard themselves, and enjoy it too 4 oil I care. Though they shouldn't go and waste paper, especially not go around killing them trees for it.
I don't see how they (collectively) could listen to NEone, since that does require a modicum of brain cells (and aural ones), and sum willingness to communicate with others, unlike them there selves. I wuz meaning weather ewe new the actual Not that that wud wk either but that wuz what eye ment. Eye remain unconvinced that the group (in its present 4m) offers a great deal of good to themselves or the community. Though I herd once upon a time, long, long, long time ago...
Hey did they pick president A or b this year or B or A, or AB or BA? I haven't bothered to look since I reckon it would all remain the SOS. You know what they say, change is different. Difference is not the same as it wuz. Therefore, all change is bad. We must inbreed and perpetuate ourselves in our perfect form and mindless sameness. It is the way. The only way. Come ride our way. Exactly our way. Or go away. Way away.
PS clearing tracking cookies and other wasted pc resources, reverts all the sign ins back to annoymous. Who has time to sign in every friggin page, all the time. This PC is over its useful life but must hang on a little longer. cookies must dies. sorry elmo. life is hard.
that was stupid.
Yea it was!!! What does any of this have to do with modern masturbation?
? wow, lady. you sure have a lot of free time to troll blogs and write dumb and/or inflammatory shiat.
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