Monday, April 26, 2010

City hands out free lights to bike ninjas

Nice to see a city doing something for it's citizens. 

ltn4The City of Tucson’s Department of Transportation handed out free bike lights to cyclists on Thursday night.

City officials had to purchase the 250 front lights for approximately $6.50 each after a donation fell though.
“We had to make this event happen no matter what,” City of Tucson bike and pedestrian planner Jennifer Donofrio said. “It is really important for cyclists to be safe and visible at night. The city is willing to do whatever it takes.”
Chi Nakano attended the event to get a light for her bike.
“I usually wear a head lamp thing, but oftentimes I forget it,” Nakano said. “Having it on the bicycle helps.”
This year the city moved the event from Third Street and Treat Avenue to the Bike Church at Main and Sixth Street.
We wanted to pick a new location and the bike church is something that is an important part of the bike community,” Donofrio said. “It is a good symbol of bike safety so I thought it would be appropriate.”
Mallory Marks was excited to learn about the free bike lights because her light had stopped working.
“It would turn off if I over went over a bump,” Marks said.